
* v1.5.16 - 2012-07-19 :
  - Added: The parameter "SearchPath=0" (INI file) disables the research in folders
           if the program does not find images at startup.
  - Added: New Search Folders for Windows XP :
           DE = "\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Eigene Dateien\Eigene Bilder\"
           IT = "\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documenti\Immagini\Immagini campione\"
           SV = "\Användare\All Users\Dokument\Mina bilder\Exempelbilder\"
  - Changed: If the program can not find any image,
             it opens the window for selecting a new file.
  - Changed: Optimization of dynamic resizing of the window.
  - Fix: Wrong width of the thumbnails, when the original folder is empty.
  - Fix: If the INI file does not exist, the window opens with coordinates to zero.
  - Fix: Incorrect offset in the dynamic construction of the menu.
* v1.5.15 - 2012-07-14 :
  - Added: Auto Scale enabled/disabled from the menu.
  - Fix: The scrollbar hides the text when changing text size in Windows (150% = 144 dpi).
  - Fix: The scrollbar does not refresh when changing the window maximized to fullscreen.
* v1.5.14 - 2012-07-13 :
  - Changed: New mouse management in fullscreen.
  - Changed: Auto size for the button in the scrollbar.
  - Changed: Alignment of the thumbnails on the edges of the window.
  - Changed: In the scroll bar: clicking on the arrows, you move from one image;
             but clicking next to the arrows, you move to a whole page.
  - Added: The image is scaled above the thumbnails.
  - Added: {ExtendedKey} = {CONTROL} with ImageScrolling[Up, Down, Left, Right].
  - Fix: minor bugs.
* v1.5.13 - 2012-07-10 :
  - Fix: Alt key does not work / conflict in the event WM_SYSKEYDOWN.
* v1.5.12 - 2012-07-10 :
  - Changed: The "T" key keeps the display of thumbnails.
  - Added: Select zoom level directly from the submenu "Zoom In / Out".
  - Added: Setting keyboard keys (from INI file).
  - Changed: All key names are written in English (see keys.htm).
  - Changed: Automatic loading of new key codes in the menu and help.
* v1.5.11 - 2012-06-28 :
  - Fix: Documentation in French and German.
  - Added: Refreshes all source files (with drag-and-drop / F5).
  - Added: Application with a single instance (in the menu).
* v1.5.9 - 2012-06-23 :
  - Added: full-screen mode with the middle-click.
  - Added: German translation (thanks Lesmo16).
  - Added: Saving the window size and position on exit.
* v1.5.8 - 2012-06-18 :
  - Added: Drag and drop files or folders, press the Ctrl key to add files to the existing list.
  - Added: Translation software in French (Local ID : #**09 = fr-fr / #**0C = en-us).
  - Added: Application in English/French with automatic selection for the opening.
  - Added: Language selection with parameter "/g [en|fr]" or "--" for automatic mode.
  - Added: F5 to reload the folder.
  - Added: Adapting the size of the scrollbar relative to number of images.
  - Changed: The parameter "-b" uses colors in HTML format (#rrggbb).
  - Changed: Transfer menu in resources.
  - Fix: The text of the menu.
* v1.5.7 - 2012-06-13 :
  - Added: F5 to reload the folder.
  - Added: Adapting the size of the scrollbar relative to number of images.
  - Changed: Transfer menu in resources.
  - Fix: minor bugs.
* v1.5.6 - 2012-06-10 :
  - Added: optimization of dynamic resizing.
  - Added: display the full path of the image on the image.
  - Added: display a black border around the text on the image.
  - Added: Ctrl-E to open Explorer with the current folder.
  - Added: Ctrl-C to copy image to clipboard.
  - Added: Ctrl-P to open the Print Wizard.
  - Changed: the zoom mode is defined by the state of the Ctrl key: pressed or not.
  - Changed: Ctrl-wheel for zooming.
  - Changed: Ctrl-key [up,down,right,left] to scroll the image.
  - Changed: Ctrl-L to lock the zoom level.
  - Changed: Information about the pictures copied with Tabs (Excel format).
  - Fix: possible buffer overflow in the conversion of file size.
  - Fix: memory leak in the management of names.
  - Fix: first reads the ini file, and replaced by the command line parameters.
  - Fix: Z level of the window to exit fullscreen mode.
* v1.5.4 - 2012-06-03 :
  - Changed: Right-Clic to open the popup menu.
  - Changed: Next     image with the Left-Clic in the right area of the window.
  - Changed: Previous image with the Left-Clic in the left  area of the window.
  - Added: the mouse cursor indicates the direction of the slideshow images.
  - Added: optimization zoom and scrolling.
  - Fix: minor bugs.
* v1.5.1 - 2012-05-28 :
  - Changed: next image with right click/key; previous image with left click/key;
             identical with the mouse buttons swapped.
  - Changed: fullscreen with Enter or F11.
  - Changed: context menu with 'M'.
  - Changed: lock zoom with Shift-L.
  - Added: optimize the slideshow speed when the key is kept pressed.
* v1.5.0 - 2012-05-25 :
  - Added: zoom mode (z,+,-,i,o,wheel)
  - Added: scrolling (mouse,up,down,left,right)
  - Fix: event WM_SIZE with help.
  - Fix: zoom display with popup menu.
  - Fix: minor bugs.
* v1.4.09 - 2012-02-26 :
  - Fix: initialization parameters of the ini file.
* v1.4.08 - 2011-12-29 :
  - Fix: cancel the popup menu.
  - Fix: centering of thumbnails.
  - Fix: minor bugs.
* v1.4.04 - 2011-12-22 :
  - Update: improved display for corrupted files.
  - Added: reading image formats ico, cur, rle.
  - Fix: break long names on the image.
  - Fix: display the number of 32-bit color.
* v1.4.00 - 2011-12-18 :
  - Added: display of thumbnails (with the T key or the mouse to the bottom).
  - Update: management of the image list.
* v1.3.07 - 2011-12-04 :
  - Fix: copy to the clipboard.
  - Fix: list of image formats.
  - Fix: Restore the window after a start in fullscreen.
* v1.3.04 - 2011-11-30 :
  - Fix: exif decoder.
  - Fix: the default background color.
  - Added: automatic rotation.
  - Added: manual rotation with menu and keyboard.
* v1.3.00 - 2011-11-22 :
  - Fix text strings.
  - Fix: fullscreen/restore.
  - Added: Dialog to change the sec/image with menu and Ctrl-S.
* v1.2.98 - 2011-11-01 :
  - Added exif orientation in info page.
  - Fix: show/hide help with F1.
  - Fix: the menu position with small windows.
  - Added Hide mouse menu.
  - Added version informations.
  - Compiled with gcc 4.6.1.
  - Added: toggle the text on the image with Ctrl-T, option /t and menu.
  - Added: copy of info image in the clipboard with F6.
* v1.2.90 - 2011-10-26 :
  - Added a context menu (to open with the Middle-click or Ctrl-M).
  - Close with a click or KeyDown.
  - No confirmation to delete the image to recycle.
  - Show/hide mouse in full screen mode with Ctrl-H.
* v1.2.82 - 2011-10-17 :
  - Fix: gdiplus lib.
  - Read and Save the parameters in mycview.ini.
  - Added: selected color with Ctrl-B.
* v1.2.66 - 2011-06-02 :
  - Fix: Open a new folder.
  - Fix: image next to the mouse wheel.
* v1.2.64 - 2011-05-22 :
  - Fix: refresh the Help window.
  - Fix: command-line analysis.
  - Replaces the character of the "-" with "/".
  - Added: Options /b /h /n.
  - Added: Image Information (F6, i).
  - Directory Listing when an image is opened.
  - Added: delete command.
* v1.2.46 - 2011-05-11 :
  - Support of formats PNG, TIFF, EMF and WMF.
  - New display mode with integrated.
  - Slideshow of images with the mouse wheel.